Saturday 31 October 2020

The Assertiveness Workbook: The Aggressive Style

Second of a new series of videos on effective communication based on The Assertiveness Workbook. SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube channel to get the newer videos as they are posted!

Friday 30 October 2020

The Assertiveness Workbook: Passive Communication

First of a new series of videos on effective communication based on The Assertiveness Workbook. SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube channel to get the newer videos as they are posted!

Monday 26 October 2020

Getting Your Head Around Masks, and a Mask Around Your Head

Okay, I've heard enough nonsense and can't stand it any more. If you can't get oxygen through your mask, you need to take it out of its plastic wrapper and try again. Let's look at just how big oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules are compared to the virus and to the water droplets we are trying to screen out.

Sunday 25 October 2020

New Online CE Course for Mental Health Professionals: Goal Setting That Works

Goal setting is a part of almost every psychotherapy, but it's often done in an unstructured way that makes it unlikely to be as effective as it can be. In this 5-hour course you will learn how to make the most of this therapy fundamental. Take a look at the preview below, then consider taking the course at (where you can see all the details of this and other CE courses).

Saturday 24 October 2020

Adulting 101: There is no right to vote, just a responsibility.

This election season we keep hearing about the right to vote, as if it's an optional activity you could engage in, like gardening or getting a nose job. In a democracy, though, maybe voting isn't really a right. It's more of a responsibility. And maybe we should be talking about it that way.

Friday 23 October 2020

How to be Miserable: Make Distress a Virtue

We live in difficult times. Amongst all the good in the world there is a great deal of injustice, pain, and crisis. In such a situation, is it morally defensible to be happy? In this video we consider one of the paths to misery: Holding the belief that unhappiness produces change, and that misery is virtuous.

Tuesday 20 October 2020

What if you wanted to be miserable, not happy? One strategy is to forget all about "be where you are." Instead, dwell on where you aren't: Fear Of Missing Out.